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Plaintiff's closings on non-economic damages in TBI, premises liability case over falling object

Written by Courtroom View Network | Feb 23, 2022 4:35:56 PM


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The trial: Laguerre v. Cajun Contractors, Inc. 


The attorney: Bethany Schneider


Case summary: Taxi driver Max Laguerre was struck in the head by a pipe that fell from a fourth-floor hotel rooftop pool deck during that deck's renovation. Laguerre claimed he suffered a mild traumatic brain injury that left him with chronic headaches. 


Synopsis: Schneider makes heavy use of both video and audio demonstratives in comparing Lageurre to an apple that appears fine on the outside but is damaged within. She also uses the sound of a dripping water faucet briefly played in the courtroom as she compares it to the constant irritation of the chronic headaches from which Laguerre suffers. 

The verdict: $5.5 million. 


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