The trial: Cruz, et al. v. Nissan North America, et al.
The attorney: Brett Turnbull
Case summary: Plaintiffs sued Nissan for the faulty brakes they contended caused a crash that killed a mother and her three children.
Synopsis: Using a video board, Turnbull reads the definition of non-economic damages in a wrongful death case. He tells jurors he spoke to the family about what dollar figure to request, but the family responded only that they wanted their loved ones back. That, Turnbull says, is "perfect justice," that isn't available. Turnbull goes on to detail his struggles with requesting an award in the case, before saying the award should be tied to Nissan's business activity. This statement brings an objection from the defense, which is sustained. Turnbull goes on to request $77 million per life lost.
The verdict: $24.9 million.