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Direct of plaintiff on non-economic damages in DUI, crash trial

Written by Courtroom View Network | Feb 17, 2022 10:02:35 PM


Watch the clip. 


The trial: Bronson v. Foley


The attorney: Nick Rowley


Case summary: Cheryl Bronson suffered fractures and a damaged knee when her car was struck by a drunk driver in 2015. Attorneys for the defendant admitted liability leaving only the issue of damages.  


The witness: Cheryl Bronson 


Synopsis: Rowley opens questioning with Bronson's contention that she is not the type of person that likes to complain, despite the constant pain from her leg injury. Rowley takes a conversational approach to his questioning, telling a clearly nervous Bronson that she should act like she is just having coffee with everyone while on the stand. Rowley contrasts Bronson's independence and generally happy demeanor before the accident, with her sadness and decreased mobility now. Bronson recounts anecdotes of her grandson playing baseball in the backyard and laments that she can no longer be as active with him as she once was. Rowley's line of questioning includes points to establish credibility, with an acknowledgement of "better days and worse days," and discussion of her exercise. That established, Rowley returns to the limitations Bronson has suffered, including the fact that she can no longer ride a motorcycle, has needed a walker, and more. Bronson closes questioning by acknowledging that her future, once hopeful, is now "foggy" because of her injury.  


The verdict: $4 million, including $3.5 million in compensatory damages. 


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