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Direct of before-and-after witness in damages-only, DUI crash case

Posted by Courtroom View Network on Feb 17, 2022 4:54:49 PM

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The trial: Bronson v. Foley


The attorney: Nick Rowley


Case summary: Cheryl Bronson suffered fractures and a damaged knee when her car was struck by a drunk driver in 2015. Attorneys for the defendant admitted liability leaving only the issue of damages. 


The witness: Tori Bronson


Synopsis: Rowley takes the plaintiff's adult daughter through her perception of her mother and how it has changed since the accident. The daughter describes her mother as a once-independent, proud single parent, who has lost that independence she valued because of the accident. This testimony is central to Rowley's theme of loss of independence. The witness becomes emotional when she describes seeing her mother after the accident, the first time she had ever seen her "really hurt." The witness explains that the injury has impacted Bronson's physical and her mental health, and has changed her from being a caretaker to someone who needs others to take care of her.  The witness reluctantly acknowledges Bronson has become more of a burden on her family, making the Bronson sadder that she has become a burden.  The witness continues that she believes her mother can no longer take care of her grandchildren in the way that either of them would want. 


The verdict: $4 million, including $3.5 million in compensatory damages.  


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Topics: Transportation, Direct exam, Damages, Joint/soft-tissue injury, Iowa